3 Must-Have Kitchen Gadgets

healthandwellness healthyeating kitchenessentials Jun 13, 2023

Looking to take mealtime up a notch? Good stuff! Healthy eating is one of the foundations of a sustainable wellness practice. Prioritising it in your routine requires an active investment in the process, from a time and energy perspective, as well as in a financial sense. That’s not to say you have to break the bank to be able to get the most out of what you’re eating. Today, I’ll cover three affordable, must-have kitchen gadgets that will put you on your way, and then some. You’ll be getting creative with meals again in no time at all. 


Why Investing in Healthy Eating Matters

It’s worthwhile to consider some of the benefits of investing in healthy eating before you start. Knowing these, or even having them on hand on days when it’s a little harder to maintain your motivation, is essential to reliably making healthy food choices. Healthy eating improves your physical health, energy levels, productivity and mood all in one, offering a mental health boost in the process. It’s useful for long-term weight management, boosting your immune system, and potentially lowering your spending on healthcare costs (leaving room for investing in new kitchen gadgets, of course!)


  1. Nutribullet

A Nutribullet is an excellent choice if you’d like to get in the swing of things when it comes to making healthy smoothies, green juices or more. I particularly enjoy starting my day with a green juice, which cleanses the body and strikes the right tone in terms of making smarter meal decisions too. You can also use the Nutribullet to create dips, salad dressing, healthy sauces and even mocktails. The gadget has a knack for slotting into many different lifestyles, and is easy enough to travel with should you wish to keep eating healthy while on the road for work or on holiday. 



  1. Snackwich

Snackwich machines are incredibly versatile, elevating the common sandwich to a higher, healthier status in a manner of minutes. If you’re used to throwing together a quick health roll for lunch every day, consider the difference in taste if it was toasted, rather than eating it cold. I’m a big advocate for moderate (or balanced) indulgence, so it’s also great for making mini pizzas, french toast and even taco cups. Explore different options and watch your mealtime pleasure soar. 


  1. Air Fryer

Air Fryers have changed the world, with millions of households around the world introducing them into their kitchens over the last eighteen months. Gone are the days of thinking about fried food as oily, sticky and heartburn-inducing. The right gadget allows you to make a variety of veggies, meats and other hearty dishes without having to worry about heating up an oven. Just make sure you buy one that has a big enough drum to match the needs of your household. If you need a few recipe ideas for the air fryer, snackwich machine or Nutribullet, consider a premium subscription to access these and more. We can also build a personalised eating plan for you together - sign-up for a coaching session and we can get the ball rolling. 


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